Jumat, 01 April 2022

3.Dimaz Nunug: In Crush,

 Sharing Poetry on World Poetry Day

 3.Dimaz Nunug: 

In Crush,

In shattered. Keep smiling in the queue. I don't feel sore feet. Waiting for the mini market to open. The clock on the hand is chasing seven o'clock. And the queues are getting crazy long.

At home, the frying pan is turned upside down. The oil bottle is empty. There seems to be a hole under the bottle. Seepage on the kitchen floor. In drinking rats who have been smart to choose expensive food.

The clock is spinning hunting. At seven o'clock the guard slowly opened the door. Elbows nudge each other chasing the oil that has disappeared hidden by time. But apparently, oil is still not bought, lying on the shelves of tiny minimarkets. With prices tossed the wallet into the frying pan. Burned to ashes in the breasts of mothers.

Kaliwungu, 2022

2.Bayu Nindyoko: About a Cup of Coffee,

 Sharing Poetry on World Poetry Day

 2.Bayu Nindyoko: 

About a Cup of Coffee,

A cup of coffee

The first sip, I want to ask "who are you making this coffee for?" Just want to always understand the beginning and the end of the day, how deep I am in my heart.

The second sip, sometimes makes me stunned, how sweet this love is.

The third sip and so on, after tasting the sweetness, it's normal.

About a cup of coffee

Is an undivided longing

Pracimantoro, March 21, 2022

Sugeng Joko Utomo: THE SKY OF THIS CITY

 Sharing Poetry on World Poetry Day

1.Sugeng Joko Utomo: 


(reminiscent of February 8, 2016)

The sky of this city

When I stand up straight

Staring at it

He smiled meaningfully

: welcome, traveler

The sky is cheerful too

Share the graceful cloud dance

Dreams tickled

Thousands of sritis cheerfully fly

Peaceful scented roses

The bushes look beautiful

The sky of this city

roll out the red carpet all the way

When I cross slowly

The sky of this city, brother

Prepare the chariot

To welcome me like a king

Take me where I like

Enjoy the beautiful lake

Enjoy the ocean waves

Enjoying the mountain air

Enjoy the great dance

The sky of this city

Whisper the passion of earthly life

Sprinkle holy water that cleanses the soul

Bathe me wisely

Let go of all anger

Washing away restless

The sky of this city

I was closed by it

Sleep peacefully in his arms

Forget about blue trouble

The one that scorched the soul

In this city

The sky is kind and shares a smile

I laughed in awe


Must be happy

No frills attributes

About the messy story

Now my story is free

Hanging out in a cheerful rhythm

Tasikmalaya, February 8, 2021